Is Your Pet Microchipped?

The 4th of July is right around the corner. Fireworks, family gatherings, doors open and closing, windows open to let the Summer breeze in… What happens if your pet gets away from you? What happens if your indoor-only cat ends up outside? What happens if animal control or the police bring your pet to PMHS? Do they have a collar? Tags? Are they microchipped?

If your pet has a microchip, our staff will be able to call you and help your pet get home as quickly as possible. If your pet is microchipped, is the information up to date?

If your pet needs a microchip, call PMHS at 207-594-2200 and set up an appointment. A one-time fee of $25 will provide added security should your pet become lost.

Don’t wait. Accidents happen and we want you to be prepared.

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